ISMK for Students

Welcome to ISMK, an innovative institute for hands-on experience in the intriguing world of mobile security. ISMK is not just a research institute, but a meeting point where enthusiastic learners intersect with seasoned experts.

As a student, you don't have to wait until your postgraduate studies to begin your journey with us. We believe that excitement for research begins early; therefore, we invite you, even in your undergradudate studies, to explore the realm of mobile security with us.

With ISMK, you can embark on research programs or commit to working on your theses, both at Bachelor's and Master's levels. Our institute paves the way for a unique blend of theoretical foundation and practical exposure in your chosen research area. Experience the thrill of innovation, the rigor of methodological research, and the satisfaction of contributing to the ever-evolving field of mobile security.

Book Background

ISMK is connected with the University of Applied Sciences Stralsund, where you can also undertake the major "IT Security and Mobile Systems" ("IT-Sicherheit und Mobile Systeme", SMSB). Delivered in German, this program enables you to understand mobile security, equipping you with the knowledge, skills, and expertise that are highly sought after in today's digital landscape.

Begin your journey towards becoming a future expert in mobile security with us at ISMK. Ride the wave of cutting-edge research with the guidance of seasoned professionals in a nurturing environment. Let's explore, learn, and innovate together to shape a secure digital future.